A lawyer-turned-finance professional, Fiona has been practising ThetaHealing for over five years. In this time, she saw significant changes as she sought to improve various aspects of her life.
Over time, she saw herself gaining control of her life as she confidently shaped outcomes. She learnt what it feels like to be at the helm, steering her life in her chosen direction. This has led to greater self-confidence and a renewed appreciation for herself.
She also conquered various fears along the way, which has enabled her to live life with more adventure and less inhibition.
Through her healing practice, she looks forward to empowering individuals through this form of guided meditation to enable them, like her, to create joy and fulfilment everyday.
Schedule your private ThetaHealing® sessions either in person, or remotely via the phone.
If you would like to book a session with me, I can be contacted via:
Email: fionakpy@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +65 9822 8256