Our brains can be classically distinguished into two hemispheres – the left versus the right brain. Take a look at the following traits and see which you fit more strongly on one side versus the other.

Recent research has debunked the theory of left-brained versus right-brained thinkers. However, for most people who are in a corporate environment, perhaps you may have noticed that you are constantly being pushed to utilise your left-brain capacity, often leaving you with not much time to harness your creativity or intuition.
Every single person has intuition. Have you noticed that sometimes you solve a problem quickly without going through each logical thought process, and the solution was no worse than if you had worked it through step by step? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you knew how to be in touch with you intuition to guide you?
Similarly, every single person is born with empathetic (feeling) skills. From the day you are born, the human subconscious picks up thoughts and feelings from others, and naturally reads and perceives the energy that it is exposed to. Because children are sensitive to the world around them, they may sense other people’s feelings as their own. This explains why little children often think they are not liked, that they have done something wrong or that there is something wrong with them. It is important to teach children when they are young how to differentiate between their own feelings and someone else’s.
Through interactive games and guided meditation, this course seeks to develop the children (or adult’s) intuitive gifts. But more than that, this course seeks to teach the child about positive feelings, how to be impervious to someone else’s negative feelings and how to spread love to their environment. This is very important to a little child’s development into adulthood.
A Rainbow Child is one who is sensitive and incredibly intuitive. You feel good when you are around them. They are extremely loving, adaptable human beings who radiate love and patience. They have an incredible ‘knowing’ of right and wrong and know how to shift negative energy to positive energy. They possess the ability to change the world around them.
An Indigo Child, as well as Bronze and Gold Children, have abilities and traits that make them very sensitive to energy around them. An Indigo child can be overwhelmed by the energy in a room, whilst a Rainbow Child converts the energy to goodness. An Indigo Child has incredible intuition and is wonderful at manifesting. But it is now possible to for an Indigo Child to shift to Rainbow Child, which this course seeks to do.
Rainbow Children seminars are designed for children, their parents, caregivers and teachers. This remarkable program will validate and enhance their spiritual development in a safe and loving environment, so they can share their own special gifts with others.